Sunday 9 June 2013


A regular sunny day,
the clock just reaches sharp three.
Clouds floating above the tree,
children are out to play.

They think about how they may
do to entertain, until the see the bee,
working hard, flying through the leaves,
collecting honeys for the queen they obey.

We should not slack like this,
there are more things for us to do, said one boy.
Stay inside and study for the next test,
because success always finds
the most prepared guy
and rewards him the best.

This is the poem, and how do I send it to you Ms.Kwan 
Mine is not a video.

Saturday 11 May 2013

Hunt for the Beast

What's that?
Speak up!
Tell us about the snake-thing.
A snake-thing.
He stopped, he licked his lips.
Ever so big.

You couldn't have a beastie, a snake-thing.
Did you hear that?
In the woods.
I'm scared.

But there isn't a beastie!
We'll make sure when we go hunting.
I'll come too.

You can't come.
Except the hunters.
What d'you mean?

I suppose, I might kill,
by myself...

Monday 29 April 2013

Hunt for the Beast

Hunt for the Beast

What's that?
Speak up!
Tell us about the snake-thing.
A snake-thing.
He stopped, he licked his lips.
Ever so big.

You couldn't have a beastie, a snake-thing.
Did you hear that?
In the woods.
I'm scared.

But there isn't a beastie!
We'll make sure when we go hunting.
I'll come too.

You can't come.
Except the hunters.
What d'you mean?

I suppose, I might kill,
by myself...

Sunday 3 March 2013

Phew~~ Finally done the book on time. I have been reading all day long. The novel, Oryx and Crake's ending is quite strange, with Jimmy heard that there are still three human being camping near him. As he procedes to them, the story ends. It really leaves to us a choice to choose between Jimmy killing the remaining three humans to maintain the peacefulness of the Crakers, or help the humans to reproduce more and more. The reality fades away, as Jimmy was invited by Crake to work for him. Crake created a pill that could change the human gene completely, to remove fear of death, the interest in art and language. He tried to make humans perferct. But then one of the bacteria breaks out and almost killed all of the humans. Crake killed Oryx by his own hand, as Jimmy sliced his throat. Jimmy survived the epidemic and saved several Crakers. He became snowman afterwards. The book ends in a mysterious manner.
I have read a lot this weekend, almost done the book. Crake and Jimmy graduates in to different schools, Crake went to a school where all the genuis study, and Jimmy went to HelthWyzer. Jimmy was able to visit Crake and have a tour of his school. He watched strange creatures like chickens with no eyes. Crake told Jimmy about the tragic of his father, his father was killed becuase he found secrets about HealthWyzer. This probably led to the destruction and diseases Crake made, he wanted to avenge his father by destroying the foul mankind and creating new perfect humans called Crakers.
As the flashback of Jimmy's life blurr, Jimmy comes back to real life. He wondered around the city as he is the only human on earth now. He found food and Utilities for him to use in an urban area. Jimmy is really lonely and isolated by the world, he tries not to forget anything that the modern world had. Not a single word. If Jimmy forgets something it will be gone for ever.
Jimmt finally met Oryx and had a conversation with her. Oryx talked about her childhood. She was born in a small village, and was soon sold by her mother to Uncle En. She went to the city where Uncle En lived and started to sell flowers for living. However, after a few months, Uncle En was found dead, floating in the canal in the city. then Oryx was sold to a "movie man" and started to film porn. Jimmy was furious when Oryx finished her story, Jimmy loves her and did not want her life to be like that. But what he does not understand is that Oryx was from a poor family, where the parents could not raise Oryx at all. They had to sell her to earn money for their son. Girls are not considered as much as a real child, even to this day, most parents in Asia want boys instead of girls. In some small villages, girls do not get to go to school at all. The situation can not be changed completely, it needs time to solve the issue.
I have finished an other couple of  chapters by now, and the novel right now is talking about Crake and Jimmy have been watching videos on internet everyday, this is almost the only thing they do. Then, one day, Crake uses his uncle's account to access websites which he and Jimmy were not supposed to go to. They went on a porn website and started watching videos, untill they finds Oryx. Oryx is an underaged girl who were in the video they watched. Jimmy found her attractive. Jimmy and Crake wanted to meet her in reality. Jimmy also asked Crake questions, but Crake did not answer any of them. Jimmy and Crake started to try to find the girl named Oryx.